Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Christmas Ornament from 20ish years ago

Well Tis the Season, Merry Christmas, warmest wishes, etc. etc. etc.

This year as I got the ornaments out to put on the tree, I ran into this sweet reminder. 20 ish years ago on Christmas Eve my cousin Heidi cross stiched this for me. C for Chelsey H for Heidi, FF friends forever (wow this was before texting was even around:) I remember at the time thinking, wow I wish I was talented enough to cross stitch, I loved it A LOT! I have packed this ornament to Canada, Kansas, Utah and now here in Washington. It makes me smile every year. My cousine has shared all the up's and down's of life with me. I have known her since the womb, we have done everything together.

She means everything to me, makes me laugh, let's me cry, fixes everything with care, defends when needed (seriously she could be an attorney) She is a hottie, always up on the latest greatest, she loves her man, well actually I think she has the biggest heart around, she has been the crutch that I have needed these last couple of years, I don't know how it works in the pre-exsistance but I know we pinky promised to help each other through thick and thin, and let me tell you, she has kept her promise. Love yah Heidi ...Oh how I have needed you and appreciated you, YOU have made a difference in my life, a HUGE difference. Coke is it!!! LOVE YAH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.K....So undeserved...Let me tell you how it really was..I was a NERD! My Amazing Cousin/BFF was(is) Beautiful & some much Fun. She let tag along with her and her crazy friends and made me feel like I important. She has done way more for me than I have ever been able to return! She has always been my Hero, always set an amazing example. She has more strength than she realizes and so many people depend on her. I know I do! We have laughed, Pinched, shopped, dreamed, cried, and had to explain a lot of phone bills in our lives! Don't let her fool you she had been and is my Gaurdin Angel! Heidi

Cierra Ashley ( I LOVE it)

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Selah, WA, United States
Just another Smith Family!

Cierra Ashley ( I love it!)