Friday, October 28, 2011

Hudson's Eagle Scout Project

Where to begin...for years I have been begging and pleading Hudson to do an Eagle Project, he had all the merit badges and his Eagle Project was the only thing left..he resisted BIG TIME...finally I gave up, it started to ruin our relationship. Mid July while I was doing the dishes he said he wanted to try to get his Eagle Project and he asked if I thought he would have enough time (his bday is September 20th) I got on the phone with the scout office right then. He was pushing it, but it was possible. Next step: A "substantial project" my head was spinning on what he could do. Then I thought of my friend Kathy who I met through the Yakima Valley Museum, I was going to be seeing her the next day, so I asked if she had any projects...she did and they would pay for everything. Hudson got right to work with his project. There is a lot of paperwork, he also needed to get it approved, like anything this all takes time. We needed a miracle under good circumstance a big curve ball was thrown our way when Hudson started getting sick...real sick, when he met the scout committee to get approval for his Eagle project he had fever and chills going on big time, his head was pounding, I felt horrible for him, but they approved his project. Wellllll Hudson got very very very sick. TO make a long story short, he lost 12 pounds in one week and he got pnemonia. He missed the first week of school...yah his Senior year, he is ASB President so he has a ton of responsibility and a ton of fun things to do and he was deathly sick, it was scary, he came to me and he couldn't breath and he was scared. Anyhow he lost over a week on working on his project because he was sick. We are now in Septmeber, and nothing has started. My Mom came and helped us clean up the area(thank goodness). We learned that venka is a horrible ground cover. In a week the trees were trimmed, the ground roto-tilled, the rock path put down, tulips planted, water-bath cleaned up and painted. NOW he had a bench to build. Let's not forget that this is homecoming week, which involved guys drill and Homecoming. We picked up the supplies on Monday, as we were driving away from the lumber yard with 2x4's sticking out of the front window of the van, Hudson said "I am so screwed" I have to admit I was nervous. His Scoutmaster saved the day with his intense skills with wood and his love of others saved the day. Of course as they were cutting the boards to size Hudson would find out he is allergic to sawdust and he came home and barfed for hours. I have never seen him so wore down. Getting his strength back from being so sick was not easy. Monday night September 19th at 9:00ish pm( 3 hours to spare) Hudson DeVerl Smith was done with his Eagle Project, the Bench is beyond is spectacular, the museum was floored!!! I am so grateful that Hudson had a change of heart to do his Eagle Project. Many lessons were learned one thing is for sure, he learned some great leadership skills. I am proud of my boy!!!!
p.s the pictures are all out of and my mad computer skills cannot figure it out.
the first picture is the completed project
the second one is the "Before" shot
the next three are his troop and him working :)

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Cierra Ashley ( I LOVE it)

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Selah, WA, United States
Just another Smith Family!

Cierra Ashley ( I love it!)