Sunday, March 6, 2011

Final Score Boys 3 Girls 3

Hadley Smith entered the world on Friday February 25th, 2011. She came quickly, and I survived. I had been having contractions for an hour starting at 5:00 am and at 6:00am they stopped. SO I thought I was just having some braxton hicks. Dave went to work and Sadie and I cleaned and cleaned all morning. At around 12:30 I put Sadie down for a nap and went and tried to nap myself when the contractions started again. They were not intense but they stayed consistent. I texted Dave and told him they were 8 minutes apart and he said I am leaving work right now, I told him don't leave yet, but it was to late. He picked up Madison from school, and they announced "Madison your Mom is in labor hurry to the office" so that was lovely. When they got here Dave was hyper and wanted to head to the hospital asap, they don't want to see you until your contractions are 4 to 5 minutes apart and no way was I going to risk being sent home, he was driving me nuts about leaving so I told him I would go but we would sit in the van until they were 4 to 5 minutes apart...THANK GOODNESS DAVE WAS ANXIOUS(he was so RIGHT)!!!! Traffic was heavy with school getting out, while we were driving my water broke and everything was intense. We got to the hospital to check in and they have a new law that you have to have id, mine was in the van and the lady was not going to budge so he ran to get it, in the mean time I told her I just need to go upstairs now, no luck she made me wait. She escorted us upstairs. They took me to pre-delivery room to make sure I was really in labor at this point Dave said "this is her 6th baby and she has them fast" which they smiled and put me in a room with another lady(seriously) they pulled the curtains, I couldn't get my gown on, to many snaps! So I had to have the nurse help me, at this point I was scared I was not going to make it to the delivery room. I was a 9 and ready to go, so they got me in a room and 3 pushes and Hadley was here. They barely got an iv in me and I dont really remember them putting it in, but in looking at my arm it took 5 to 6 jabs and I am still really bruised from it. Dr Harrington was out of town, so I had his partner Dr. Mackley (sp?) she was great(I had never met her but had heard she was awesome, she was)It was intense and fast and when it was over I couldn't believe it. I had tested positive to Strep B, so we had to stay an extra day. Sarah was working and gave Hadley her first bath, that was so cool! We worked really hard on a name, and didn't name her until the next day. Dave & Hudson really wanted Kira, but when Heidi told me the name Hadley I loved it.
Hadley had some hard nights at the hospital, she right away was a great eater, but she cried a lot. I found myself making deals with the Lord...if I could just get 1 hour of sleep...ok. 1/2 hour o.k. 10 minutes. Dave stayed with me but he has had a wicked cold, so had I. The 2nd night he stayed with the kids because Hudson went to Pullman and Madison was not comfortable being alone. We survived. I was so ready to be in my own bed, and Hadley did much better once we got home. Yes I have still had some fun new born nights, but she is so precious and sweet that I am enjoying every minute with her. She has hair but it is short and light. I find myself emotional with her because of her journey getting here. She was so close to not making it. The kids love her and all is well! Now if we can get settled back into the REAL world that will be a bonus!


Unknown said...

She is amazing!!! You are amazing!!! You truly are my hero!!! I love you guys!!!

Anger said...

like the Brady Bunch!!! the youngest one in curls. ha ha. So excited to meet her!

Jessica Shae Berejkoff said...

oh my goodness congrats!!!

Cierra Ashley ( I LOVE it)

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Selah, WA, United States
Just another Smith Family!

Cierra Ashley ( I love it!)