Thursday, March 24, 2011

March Madness

I love March! I love March Madness, and my husband is obsessed with "Jimmer" I mean seriously obsessed, he has to read/watch/every article about him. He is even texting in votes and using his phone and mine....ADDICTED I SAY! We enjoyed our first outing last Saturday with Hadley. We went to Shad & Talon's soccer game, the sun was shining it was perfect, we came home with pizza and we watched BYU play Gonzaga in basketball, It was a tough game, I love Gonzaga...I loved seeing John Stockton watching his son...I LOVE LOVE LOVE John Stockton. BYU pulled through for the win and it was just a perfect day. Hadley is hitting her one month mark tomorrow. I totally love her. She is a serious eater, I mean serious. YES she is a bit of a screamer. Dave and I were talking about Colic and if she has it, he thinks she is just "high maintance" and I think he is right, another fiesty Smith girl...oh great. My Mom and sister came last week and the timing could not have been better, it was fun, helpful and I seriously would have sunk without them. I am in no routine yet and it is driving me nuts, as the real world swishes before me, I am feeling a day late and a little confused

My cousin Quinn is having surgery on his shattered heel tomorrow, please pray for him, he is such a great guy, I totally love him. He will be in Texas for 3 months.


Unknown said...

I can't believe she is almost a month old. I hope you can get a routine. It always seems you get one and the next day it changes. Oh the joys of motherhood!!!

Ashlee Bair said...

I can't believe how cute she is! Jealous of course that I still have 8 wks! I'm hitting the very uncomfortable stage! So glad you mom and Andrea came to help! Gotta love family! Thanks for thinking of Quinn as well! Love ya!

Cierra Ashley ( I LOVE it)

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Selah, WA, United States
Just another Smith Family!

Cierra Ashley ( I love it!)